tools to re-pot orchids
Do you procrastinate potting your orchids? Even though I know the best time to re-pot is before they need it – before the potting medium breaks down or becomes saturated in fertilizer salts – I confess that I used to put off potting my orchids. Mostly I put it off because I was afraid my orchids wouldn’t bounce back from the trauma of being repotted. Over the years I have learned a lot.
First, timing is everything. Wait until after the flowers have died and new roots have begun to emerge. The next step is to use the right tools so that your orchids will quickly recover from being potted and will be better off – healthier roots, and more abundant flowers – because you’ve taken the time to re-pot them.
I am so happy to share with you the tools I use to re-pot my orchids.
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Discover more about keeping your orchid’s leaves and roots healthy by grabbing your free cheat sheet. Click here to grab your cheat sheet to learn how to grow healthier orchids. It will be super helpful.
Premium Orchid Potting Mix
The orchid potting mix you use is the foundation for growing healthy orchids.
This is because the potting mix determines how often the orchid needs water, how well-draining the mix is and how much airflow the roots receive.
There are lots of different types of orchid mixes available, Bonsai Jack’s are the orchid mixes that I use and trust.
These mixes are well-draining, but absorbs some water for slow-release moisture, while also allowing for vital air-flow around the orchid roots.
If you are used to using sphagnum moss, you will notice that a bark based media doesn’t hold water like a sponge and may require watering 1-2 times a week. As time goes on, you will notice that once a week is sufficient.
Jack’s orchid mixes are formulated with top-quality ingredients and are pH tested to ensure healthy orchids.
I highly recommend and personally use Bonsai Jack’s orchid mixes for potting orchids.
The Universal Mix is designed for mature orchids such as Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium, Oncidium, and Cattleya.
Wool Rock
While phalaenopsis orchids love quick-draining fir bark-based potting mixes, they do best with a little wool rock mixed in with the fir bark. Wool rock retains moisture, and by adding a small amount to your orchid mix you’ll find that your phals will appreciate the extra moisture and respond with beautiful, upright, stiff leaves.
Slotted Clear Orchid Pots
These slotted clear liner pots are the way to go if you want to have a clear view of the orchid’s roots, soil, and water condensation. These pots can literally be a lifesaver when watering your orchids.
Made of durable plastic. No flimsy sides here. With lots of drainage holes, these pots allow for plenty of airflow and water drainage.
I use these as liners and slip them inside a more stable decorative pot. I highly recommend these slotted clear orchid pots
Carousel Orchid Pot
Looking for a pot that provides superior drainage? The Carousel Pot does just that. There are drainage holes on the bottom, so your orchid never sits in water. The saucer at the bottom is detachable from the pot, so you can easily discard excess water. Also, there is a space between the base of the pot and the saucer, an extra precaution against the orchid sitting in water.
This pot makes repotting a breeze. Side slats are not connected at the top. Simply slide the orchid out the top of the pot. Crazy orchid roots can grow out wherever they want, just slide them up and out of the pot, no damage done.
These pots are especially nice for Dendrobiums as they don’t appreciate repotting. I am not aware of an orchid pot that doesn’t disturb the roots like the Carousel Pot.
These pots are the ideal orchid pot-an ingenious design, but they do come with a price-tag.
I love my Carousel Orchid Pot and recommend you give one a try.
Rhizome Clip
These rhizome clips are a must-have when potting orchids (especially Cattleyas). Without these, the orchid will press up out of the pot. Believe me, I know this from sad experience.
These are the rhizome clips I use to keep my orchid’s roots systems in place.
This link is for 4″ clips. Buy clips based on the diameter of your orchid pot.
RHIZOME CLIPPruning Shears
These pruners are the BEST! I use them all the time. They are sharp and cut cleanly every time.
These pruners feel just right in your hand (right or left). I use them when potting, to clean away dead roots, trimming flower spikes and for cutting away dead leaves.
Butane Kitchen Torch
A kitchen torch may be the last thing you expected to see on this resource page. This torch is a fast and easy way to sterilize your pruning shears.
Before and after using my pruning shears, I pass the tips of the shears through the flame to keep from passing pathogens between orchids.
This is the torch I use and recommend. It’s small, fits comfortably in my hand and is easy to use.
My Ebook
You’ve purchased or been gifted, an orchid from your local grocery store and now you’re wondering how in the world to care for it.
No worries. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll discover everything you need to know to care for the Phalaenopsis, or moth orchid. With full-color photographs, detailed instructions, and bonus guides, I’ll show you how to care for your orchid.
In addition to care tips on light, temperature, air circulation, watering, humidity, fertilizing, potting and re-blooming you’ll even get some styling instructions so you can create your own orchid arrangement.
After reading this book you’ll learn that orchids need not be the world’s longest-lasting throw-away bouquet, instead, they are the world’s longest-lasting flower bouquet that blooms, and keep on blooming–for years!
Mini Phalaenopsis Orchids
Before you can pot an orchid, you need an orchid. If you are looking to purchase online, these are the orchids I recommend.
I have scoured the internet looking for superior quality Phalaenopsis orchids available at a reasonable price. I am so pleased to recommend these orchids from Floralistic.
These orchids come in a 3″ pot and a variety of colors-you pick the color you like best.
These orchids are potted in sphagnum moss, which is ideal for shipping. The roots and potting media stays in place.
After the orchid has finished blooming, I recommend potting the orchid in Bonsai Jack’s Miniature and Seedling Mix.
These are my favorite products that I use and have helped me repot my orchids. My hope is that they will help you too. If you have any questions about any of these products, please comment below.
To help you further, start by downloading my free cheat sheet to see where to cut the orchid flower spike after blooms have faded to trigger re-blooming. Click here, for the cheat sheet. It’ll be super helpful.