You love orchids, and now you’re ready for more, but before buying orchids you want the lowdown on how to get the best orchid for the best price. The truth is, orchids can be costly. but that doesn’t mean there aren’t deals to be had.
The best price for an orchid is free, gifted from friends and family. Otherwise, find the lowest-priced orchids in big-box stores. Orchid shows and nurseries specializing in orchids come with heftier price tags balanced by scrupulous care and a wealth of care information and a wider selection of orchid varieties.
Read on to find out more about how to get the best value for your orchid, including tips to help you avoid compromising quality for price.
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Orchids Gifted From Friends and Family
Likely orchids gifted to you were either a present because you’re loved, or because they know you have a thing for orchids and they wanted to release themselves from the guilt of killing the orchid.
Price: I’ve been offered more orchids (usually moth orchids) than I can accept from friends who have an orchid that is out of bloom – and sometimes perilously nearly out of life.
Condition: Gifted orchids are wild cards. Your orchid could be knocking on death’s door with rotted roots, a rotted crown, and an overabundance of love – by way of overwatering. Or, your orchid could be perfectly healthy.
Expertise: Again, your orchid could have come with an abundance of solid care advice, or with nothing more than a wish that the orchid can somehow be saved.
Supply: You can’t always get an orchid from your friends whenever you want one 🙂
Buying Tip:
Tell everyone you know that you’d really love another orchid.
Care Tip:
If you’ve been gifted an orchid with limp leaves. Overwatering is the likely culprit. Download my free cheat sheet on how to prevent limp leaves and rotten roots. Click here for the super helpful cheat sheet.
Buying Orchids From Big Box and Chain Stores
Perhaps the grocery store was where you first heard the siren call of the phalaenopsis orchid. Before you knew it, you had one in your cart, and the rest is history.
Price: The biggest advantage of buying orchids at a big box is the price. If you are lucky enough to have a Trader Joe’s nearby. You can buy orchids inexpensively.
Condition: The orchid may or may not be well cared for. It is likely that the potting medium needs to be replaced. Plan on re-potting the orchid as soon as possible.
Selection: Usually there is an abundant supply of Phalaenopsis orchids, sometimes I’ve seen Cymbidiums and Dendrobiums. Be careful when purchasing Dendrobiums at a big box store as they are invariable overwatered. Though Trader Joe’s and Wegmans have a wider selection than most other chains.
Expertise: Likely there is not anyone who can answer your questions. And, if you are, you could get a lot of bad advice. Of course, this is not always the case. Many times the orchids, other than the phalaenopsis, may be marked simply as “exotic.” So you may not know exactly what kind of orchid you’re bringing home.
Buying Tip:
Cautiously, look for close-out specials. Sometimes you can get healthy orchids for bargain prices. Once I found phals that had just come in, but their ceramic pots had broken and the orchids were sold in just the plastic liner pots. Somehow the orchids were completely unscathed. I got $30 orchids for $5. It was a good day.
Be aware that often close-out orchids have been either severely over- or under-watered, so check the roots carefully.
Buying Orchids Through Online Nurseries
Convenience: When purchasing orchids online you never have to leave the comfort of home. You can shop around at many different online stores, all with the click of a button.
Selection: Online you will find the biggest selection anywhere because there are so many options.
Expertise: While you will not be able to talk to an expert face-to-face, you can communicate by chat online or via email. They should be able to answer any question you have, if not, keep looking. Buy from a grower who knows their orchids.
Price: Again, the cost of an online orchid can be pretty steep, plus there are shipping charges. Even if they say shipping is free – you are still paying for shipping.
If you are interested in purchasing orchids online, here are some of my favorite online shops:
Buying Tip:
Watch for sales. The online store may have a place where you can enter your email in exchange for notifications on specially priced orchids. Look for tabs that advertise sales, clearance, and overstock orchids.
Orchid Shows + Brick and Mortar Specialty Orchid Shops
If you have an orchid shop around the corner or regularly scheduled orchid shows nearby then you’ll get beautiful orchids from knowledgeable sellers.
Choice: You get to select the orchid that looks best to you. Inspect the leaves, the roots, the flower, everything. Then you pick the one you like most.
Selection: You’ll find many different varieties to choose from. If there is a certain orchid you’ve been trying to find, a nursery is your best bet. At orchid shows you will have the choice between many different vendors.
Expertise: The biggest advantage is that you can talk, face-to-face with knowledgeable experts. Often times, vendors specialize in particular orchid varieties, these people will be experts on their orchids. Whatever questions you have, you can ask.
Price: These orchids can be pricey.
Buying Tip:
If you buy at the end of the show, you can get a great price on a pricey orchid if the vendor would rather sell than pack up unsold orchids. This way you do get the leftovers, not the first pick. But still – some pretty stellar orchids that may have otherwise been out of reach.
Questions to Ask Before Buying Orchids
I make a solemn vow that however strange these questions may seem, if you ask them, you are much more likely to come home with an orchid that you can properly care for and enjoy for years to come.
- Temperature – Is this orchid a warm, intermediate or cool grower?
Note: This is probably the most important question as temperature is often the most difficult change to accommodate. Most home-growers find that warm and intermediate growers are the easiest. Cool temperatures required by cool growing orchids are often too cold for indoor growers. And, cool growers often have very high humidity requirements.
Temperature may not seem like a big deal until you learn that without proper temperature, the orchid is unlikely to bloom.
If you can achieve the low temperatures required by cool-growing orchids, you’ll be thrilled with the amazing orchids you can grow!
Warm Growers | Intermediate Growers | Cool Growers |
65°-85° F/18.3° 24.9° C. | 60º-80°F/15.5°-26.6°C | 50° - 75° F / 10° - 23.9° C |
- Does this orchid require a dry rest? Yes, when?
- Is this orchid deciduous or evergreen?
- Should this orchid dry out between watering, or should the potting medium be kept moist?
- Does this orchid grow best in a windowsill, under lights, or in a greenhouse?
- How much light does this orchid need?
- How much humidity does this orchid need?
- What time of year and how often should this orchid be re-potted?
- What do I need to know to get this orchid to re-bloom?
- How long will the flowers last?
- Are there any additional care instructions that I need to know?
Information to Share with the Seller
- Describe your growing environment to the seller. For example, explain which window you’ll be growing your orchid in (north, south, east, or west).
- If you grow orchids under lights, share that information.
- What other types of orchids do you grow? Which ones have you had the most success with?
- Do you travel a lot? Do you have lots of time, or just a little to devote to orchids?
Buying Orchids, You’ve Got This!
I’ve purchased orchids from all of these sources and have been happy with the orchids. My last bit of advice when buying orchids is to check the orchid carefully. Make sure it’s healthy and not carrying any hitchhikers.
For best odds, it’s a good idea to buy orchids that will do perform well in your growing environment. To learn about specific types of orchids that you can grow in your home, click here.